Entertainment Horse Happenings Music

Young Dressage Star Ayden Uhlir in the Spotlight at American Equestrians Got Talent

Wellington, FL – January 9, 2015 – Nineteen-year-old Ayden Uhlir is well known in the equestrian world for her talent as a rising dressage star, and at the first night of auditions for American Equestrians Got Talent, she wowed the crowd with her singing voice during her performance of Etta James’ classic “At Last.”
It was Uhlir’s first time singing for a group, but the crowd at The Grille Fashion Cuisine and celebrity judges Charlotte Bredahl-Baker and Ron Davis thought she looked like a seasoned veteran.
“That was the absolute first time I have ever gone up in front of people to sing, and I was so nervous,” Uhlir said. “If you saw me up close, I was shaking so badly.”

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The Grille Fashion Cuisine to Host American Equestrians Got Talent Auditions Starting Jan. 7

Wellington, FL – January 2, 2015 – The Grille Fashion Cuisine, one of Wellington’s finest restaurants, will play host to all nine auditions for American Equestrians Got Talent, the new competition making its debut in Wellington in 2015. Juan Gando, The Grille’s owner and manager, has stepped up to support the exciting contest organized by Robert Dover to raise funds for USEF High Performance Dressage programs through the USET Foundation.